Wednesday, November 23, 2011

exams and such..

i'm currently in the middle of exams..yes it is that time of the semester again. i have also been suffering from migraine, so to say that i have been feeling a little sorry for myself, would be an understatement. in one of my fits of procrastination, i went over to check out the fictitious life of elizabeth black, one of the blogs of my very talented sister. and there as if it was meant to be was an inspirational poster blog entry. just what i needed to get back to the books. oh, that an a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit to dunk. thank you lil' sis xx 

1 comment:

Elizabeth Black said...

Thanks Big Sis,
I'm glad it helped...
P.S. Have you seen the beer commercial about the cinema full of bikers, who dares to sit in the remaning two seats si the question...