Sunday, August 5, 2012

babies and boucla

a while back i posted about my friend that had a beautiful little baby boy. well on the day he was born  all of  us headed down to meet him and see how mama and papa were going. mama looked amazing, so ethereal and relaxed it was really quite incredible. papa was floating on air taking photo after photo and posting them straight onto facebook so his family in canada could see him!

after the initial excitement and all of us having a cuddle we excused ourselves to give the new family some space and headed out. from the hospital we headed off to boucla for lunch and cake! as usual it was super busy, luckily we jagged a large table for the three of us! which was good as we were feeling greedy and ordered lunch, coffee and cake and as usual it was delightful. what was even nicer was catching up with the girls and chatting, it had been too long and was so nice just to share each other's company. lets do it again soon gals! xxx


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures,loved this post. Shelley.

Betsy said...

Thanks Mama! Next post is neighbourhood pizza, with the family. Stay tuned xx